Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snowboots, Swimsuits and a Loser....

I have a little question I would like to propose on this very cold January day. What do you suppose Snowboots, Swimsuits and Losers have to do with each other? Hmmm. Think it over now.
Any ideas? Well. I suppose I'll just have to tell you how all three appeared in my life right at the same moment.

Last week MyHandsomeHusband and I were traveling to Bear Lake with all five of our children in tow. The weather was pretty clear here in town when we left home. By the time we got to Logan Canyon (4 hours later...usually takes 1 1/2) it was a dark, stormy, cars sliding off the side of the road, windy blizzard. We cut our losses and opted to check into a hotel in Logan and wait out the storm. Driving through a canyon in a blizzard is one thing....doing it in the dark is just down right foolish.

Now what do a couple of ya-hoo's with 5 kids do in a hotel? They swim, that's what. Swim. And Sleep. They swim until all of the children are tired enough to sleep soundly, soundly, soundly. We counted our lucky stars that we had packed our suits! All seven of us squeezed our holiday bodies into our suits (we looked really good....really skinny and good) and we were ready to swim. Looking like a bunch of dainty swim suit models we each proceeded to pull on a pair of heavy winter boots. Then we traipsed our fashionable selves through the snowy parking lot to the pool. Now I'm not sure if you have ever tried wearing your swimming suit with heavy winter boots...but suffice it to say it is One. Classy. Ensemble. I dare say the ladies from Desperate Housewives could take a fashion lesson from none other than yours truly. all actuality we looked like a bunch of losers. Big (and some of us really fat) Losers. The funny part was when we got to the pool....we met a real life loser. The kind of Loser that is really hip these days. Someone who, in fact is hoping to be the biggest kind of loser there is.

While swimming that snowy night we had the privilege of meeting Justin Pope, contestant on this seasons Biggest Loser. He happened to be from Logan and was on a 2 week break from the show to visit with his family. MyHandsomeHusband and I have watched almost every season of the show and were thrilled to be able to visit with someone who is right in the middle of the experience. He and his family were gracious and lovely people. We chatted with them for almost 2 hours. Loved it. Loved hearing little inside tidbits about the show. I won't tell any of his detailed secrets...but he did look pretty darn good. Last night our family had a great time watching the season premier of The Biggest Loser, and witnessing the transformation he has already made.

Good times.

Good times wearing Snowboots and my Swimsuit....and meeting a great Loser. 

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